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Triple-Elemental's News

Posted by Triple-Elemental - October 22nd, 2012

Triple Elemental is still alive!? you ask, reading these words in shocked but jubilant disbelief. The unmatchable comic stylings of Matt and Mike Alba are once again to grace the pages of this site!? Oh, joyous day! you cry, looking up through misty eyes to thank the heavens. If this is but a wonderful dream, you beg, kill me now so I may never feel the torment of waking from it!

First of all, uh, woah. That was intense. Seriously dude, you need to relax - maybe get some therapy or something, I dunno. You sound pretty messed up. And also you talk really weird, are you British or something? Yikes.

Second of all, you're a damn liar. Nobody remembers us. Hell, the last time we contributed something to this site was in 2008, and the last time we contributed anything good was in - well, er, point is we haven't done anything for a while. And I could go on and on about why that is, and what we've done in the meantime, but honestly the only people who'd care are our friends, family, and maybe a few federal agencies. So I'll skip all that and cut right to the good part - we've made a new movie.

No, seriously, that's not even a joke. A Twisted Halloween is something you can go watch, right now, for real, on this very site. It's a movie we've been wanting to make since we started Twisted Minds five years ago, and once we remembered that, oh, yeah, we actually have to do something to make that happen, it got finished in like two months. Granted, it was a laborious couple months, but we're both really proud of the result. Hopefully you guys agree, and if so we'd love to hear a review! I guess you can review if you disagree too, but I can't promise we'll love to hear it. We will respond though, so what are you waiting for? Go now!

I'm not gonna make any guarantees about our future on this site, because statistically speaking those are worth exactly nothing, but I will say that we'd still love to make TM3 a reality at some point. And failing that, at least an update on our profile specifically stating that we've fallen off the face of the Earth. Until either of those points, though, I'm gonna go ahead and plug A Twisted Halloween again, because seriously, can you believe we actually made it?

Happy Halloween guys!

A Twisted Halloween

Posted by Triple-Elemental - October 2nd, 2008

I don't wanna make a long post here, so just check out this link:

It's as if they're reinventing the whole program...and it looks intense.


Posted by Triple-Elemental - July 6th, 2008

Alright, alright, I know I haven't made any updates in forever, but let me say that's just because I'm lazy, because there's a whole lot of stuff to tell you guys about.

To start off with, I'd like to make our official announcement about Quest for the Triforce, the Zelda spoof we're collaborating on with the great Legendary Frog. We've been fans of his for as long as we can remember, and it's an honor to work with him on something like this.

Anyways, he announced this movie on his website on the 23rd of June, but we haven't said anything about it officially until just now. Basically, it's a kind of sequel to Joey's classic movie The Return of Ganondorf, with Luke De Ayora resuming his role as Link. If you'd like to see some character art and more information about the movie, go to LF's site which I've linked to THREE times now. Anyways, the script was written primarily by Joey with slight edits by a few others, including myself. The movie will be animated by me and Mike, with character art by Joey. Hopefully we'll be able to finish it by the end of summer.

Okay, moving on to my next point: Twisted Minds Episode Three. Mike posted some of the new character art here, and pretty much everybody agrees that it's much better than the art in TM2, which I personally think was about a hundred times better than the art in TM1. That just goes to show how much we improve with each new movie! Anyways, more views of the main characters have been done, and some prop art has been done as well. In addition, me, Mike, and Connor Ehman have started working on the script...and of course are nowhere near finished. (Connor helped to write both TM1 and TM2). We've had this plot in mind for a really long time and personally I think it's just as good as the one for TM2, if not better. Interesting trivia: this plot is based on a joke from the very first draft of TM1, which never got animated. In it, Mr. Pain was a writer for Twisted Minds, and almost got fired for coming up with it. That joke always got me, so now, we'll be spending months animating it. When the movie is completed, I'll post that part of the script here.

Okay, time for that New Site post. We mentioned several months ago that we would be updating our site with the help of our friend Kyle Tan, and after a few days of working on it, he 's just been delaying it and delaying it with trips and laziness and whatnot. This new site was the reason we haven't updated the old site in forever (TM2 isn't mentioned on the front page nor can you watch the movie there), and by this time there's a whole bunch of Extras that we can add to the site, and a whole bunch of new posts. Since the site is only aout a day's work away from completion, we've decided to keep the site outdated and hope that soon Kyle will be able to finish it. I think it's looking really good, and as soon as we get a couple new features implemented, it should be really great.

Well, that's basically all I wanted to say. I'd leave you with a screenshot or something of Quest, but I don't have one available at the moment. Sorry!


Posted by Triple-Elemental - April 8th, 2008

Alright everybody! As you may know, TM2 is out on NG andTM3 is underway! For the moment, all I have been working on is character models but we have a storyline and stuff like that set up as well, Anyways, i was drawing the new models in flash and after rewatching the series so far I've noticed a pretty big jump in "styles" between TM2 an what I'm doing now. I think it looks good, however I'm not sure if the change is so great. Perhaps it would work, that's why I'm asking your guys' advice. Do you think it looks fine and we should use it, or do you think i should go back to the drawing board and make something a little closer to the original? Hope to hear from you,
PS Ignore the hands of TM2 Mike, something went wrong there.

TM3 Models

Posted by Triple-Elemental - March 8th, 2008

*Now re-submitted. Enjoy!
Well, really sorry everyone, but we have removed TM2 from the portal, due to all the camel related spam. We didn't think TM2 got a fair chance at being viewed, as everyone either assumed it was spam or avoided the portal altogether. We are very, very sorry to all the people who voted and especially those who reviewed, we hope you'll review again and if not thanks for the review the first time! We will be submitting it again the first chance we get (probably monday/tuesday), providing it`s not Cactus day, or sombrero Day, or some other spam filled day.

Sorry again, but stay with us.
And....TM2 has been uploaded onto NG! We worked really hard on this one and it's our fave episode yet, we hope you all like it as much as we do.

We are currently working on another movie unrelated to TM at the moment, and when thats out of the way we should be starting on TM3! That's right....TM3.

In other news, I'm still not as able to animate as I'd like, but hopefully, hopefully that should be a problem of the past very soon. Also, our website is down(or at least it should be, cause it seems to have been refreshed again for some reason) and we need to refresh the hosting package, I guess we'll do that when we get around to it.


Posted by Triple-Elemental - February 5th, 2008

Hi everybody.

I haven't mentioned much since the release of TMC, so I might as well update you all. You can find some of this information on our site, but I'll put it here for your convenience (and comments!).

I'll list everything for you, I guess:


-We are currently in the process of remaking our website. The old version was kind of plain, glitchy, and basic, so we're going to try to make it a little more pro, with the help of some of our friends.
-Our domain expires sometime this month, and we're not sure if we can renew it, seeing as it was being hosted by our good friend Fain Cowie, and his website seems to have been down for the past couple months...
-The website, if it isn't down, should most likely be completed sometime this month or early next, so look out for it!


-Yes, that's happening again. We're starting a new desperately ambitious project.
-I don't want to say too much about it, but it is not part of the Twisted Minds series.
-The new flash will be our most aesthetically pleasing and longest flash to date (and most likely the best) due to the breakaway we have from the regular Twisted Minds format.
-The new flash will be entirely animated by me, and will be a quite unique VG spoof.


-Mike is still not able to animate, but is getting an MRI tomorrow, so hopefully he will be able to VERY soon.
-The movie is about 80% done, and, when Mike is able to, he could finish it withing approximately a week and a half.
-If everything goes well, expect it to be released sometime next month. Of course, we've set deadlines before, so don't set your expectations too high.

Well, I guess that's all I really had to say. Let's all hope for the best!

-Matt Alba

Posted by Triple-Elemental - December 17th, 2007

It's here!

A Twisted Christmas, the festive project that we've been withholding from you guys, is HERE ON NG!

This is our present to you all. Special thanks to everybody who comes to this page every once in a while!

In other news, you're going to have to wait a little longer for TM2...possibly another couple months. However, it looks great, and we may have other stuff to work on in the meantime.

Anyways, hope you enjoy TMC!

-Matt Alba

Posted by Triple-Elemental - September 22nd, 2007

Hey everyone! It's Mike, and I'm just making a quick post to show you guys a couple Screenshots from Twisted Minds Ep. 2. Also note that I still am unable to animate (PM me if you want to know exactly why) for probably at least another 2 weeks, hopefully not anymore. So the movie won't be coming out until I'm able to do that, and then I have to actually animate the rest.

Matt is just about done with his parts, so once he is he'll be moving on to a secret unnamed project we're planning while I finish up TM2. Just so you know we're getting something done over here.

Anywho, the screenshots:

TM2 Screenshots!

Posted by Triple-Elemental - August 27th, 2007

Hi All.

Matt here again, with some more bad news. For all you people out there eagerly awaiting Twisted Minds Episode 2, anyways. So anyway, as you may have already guessed from the title, there's been a slight delay. I posted before saying that it would be out in August sometime after the 12th. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. I've been working really hard on it lately, but the reason it won't be finished is because Mike couldn't animate for basically this whole month. And he's still got parts of the movie to animate.

Well anyway, he can probably animate all his parts in about a week, if he works really hard. Unfortunately, I still need about another week to finish the rest of my parts, so if you add that all up, TM2 should be hitting the portal within the first week or two of September. I italic 'should' because there are a number of things that could push that date forward. Mostly time factors, actually. Because to make this date we both need to work pretty hard.

Well, I guess that's pretty much all I had to say. I was gonna attach 2 screenshots, but they're bitmaps, and I don't feel like converting them to ,jpg's. That will make it all the more awing when you watch the movie, then!

-Matt Alba

Posted by Triple-Elemental - July 30th, 2007

Hey everybody!

Matt here, to tell you that Twisted Minds Episode 2 has had a slight delay. We said that it would come out this month (July), but due to several different factors (Mostly not working on it), it will not be ready until August. In fact, it will not be up until the 12th of August, which is the earliest it would be submitted. We might finish it before then, but we can't submit it until after or on that date for sure. It will be out in August for sure, though.

I'd post a screenshot, but I don't feel like making one. Let's just say that TM2 looks alot better than TM1.


-Matt Alba